"C++/OOPS Programming" Questions With Answers".
Here, are some sample questions based on "C++/OOPS Programming Language". Read it carefully as these questions will improve your basic concept on C++/OOPS programming language, and will help you in cracking any interview.
Click on any question to find out it's answers:
1) What is a class ?
2) What is an object ?
3) List the advantages of object oriented programming ?
4) What is meant by 'call by value' ?
5) What is meant by 'call by reference' ?
6) What is a reference variable ? What is its use ?
7) What are inline functions ? What is the advantage of using them ? How are they declared ?
8) What are the defining traits of an object-oriented language ?
9) What is the purpose of the scope resolution operator ?
10) What are the differences between type casting and automatic type conversion ?
11) Why ‘char’ is often considered as an integer data type ?
12) What is the difference between structure and class in C++ ?
13) What is the purpose of ios:app ?
14) What is the purpose of ios::ate ?
15) How is random access of data achieved in C++ ?
16) Which header file is required for creating and manipulating data files in C++ ?
17) What is an access specifier ?
18) How is memory allocated to a class and its objects ?
19) What is the difference between an object and a class ?
20) Differentiate between data hiding and encapsulation ?
21) What is polymorphism? Explain with an example ?
22) What is public, protected and private ?
23) What is the significance of the protected access specifier ?
24) Do 'derivation' and 'friendship' mean the same ?
25) Enlist some advantages of object oriented programming ?
26) Is prototyping mandatory in C++ ? Why ?
27) When should a function be made inline ?
28) How is a static variable different from a static function ?
29) What is meant by macro ?
30) What do you mean by inline function?
31) What is a constructor? Why would I ever use one?
32) What are destructors really for? Why would I ever use them?
33) Is a default constructor equivalent to a constructor having default arguments?
34) Why is a destructor function required in a class?
35) What is a parameterized constructor?
36) What is a copy constructor?
37) What is a default constructor? What is its role?
38) What is meant by constructor overloading?
39) What is operator overloading?
40) What operators can/cannot be overloaded?
41) How is operator overloading implemented successfully in C++?
42) What is abstract class?
43) What is concrete class?
44) What is function overloading and operator overloading?
45) What is a ‘friend’ function?
46) Do ‘friends’ violate encapsulation?
47) What are some advantages/disadvantages of using friends?
48) What do you mean by the friend function and friend class?
49) Why should I use `new' instead of trustworthy old malloc()?
50) How do I allocate / unallocate an array of things?
51) What if I forget the `[ ]' when `delete'ing array allocated via `new X[n]'?
52) What are free store operators?
53) What do you mean by free storage list or AVAIL list?
54) What is meant by static memory allocation?
55) What is dynamic memory allocation?
56) Define free store ?
57) What do you mean by a self referential structure?
58) What is inheritance? What the types of inheritance?
59) What are the different types of inheritances?
60) What is the difference between a virtual base class and a normal base class?
61) What is meant by a visibility mode?
62) What's the difference between `public:', `private:', and `protected:' visibility modes?
63) When should you use inheritances?
64) How do you express `private inheritance'?
65) What are the access rules with `private' and `protected' inheritance?
66) What is meant by inheritance hierarchy ?
67) Differentiate between multiple and multilevel inheritances ?
68) What is an ABC (`Abstract Base Class') ?
69) What is a `virtual destructor' ?
70) What is a dangling pointer or wild pointers ?
71) What is abstraction?
72) How is abstraction and encapsulation interrelated?
73) What is an adaptor class or Wrapper class?
74) What is a container class? What are the types of container classes?
75) What is polymorphism?
76) What do you mean by a static data member and a static member function?
77) What is modularity in C++?
78) What do you mean by data abstraction?
79) What is a pointer? How will you define a pointer to an integer and a pointer to a character?
80) How does a pointer variable differ from a simple variable?
81) What is a nested structure ?
82) How are arrays and structures related to each other ?
83) What is the difference between structure and class?
84) What is the difference between get and getline member functions ?
85) Differentiate between ifstream class and ofstream class?
86) Name the streams generally used for file operations.
87) What do you mean by ‘this’ pointer?
88) What is a data structure?
89) List four major operations associated with linear data structures?
90) What are trees in C++?
91) State conditions under which binary search is applicable.
92) What is a linked list?
93) Differentiate between functions read() and write().
94) What is a null pointer?
95) What is a memory leak?
96) What is a stack?
97) What is meant by overflow in C++?
98) What is an infix expression?
99) What do you mean by static binding?
100) What do you mean by a node?
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