"Data Structure" Questions With Answers.
Here, are some sample questions based on “Data Structures”. Read it carefully as these questions will improve your basic concept on Data Structures using C programming language, and will help you in cracking any interview.
Click on any question to find out it's answers:
1) What Is Data Structure ?
2) What Is The Need For Data Structures In Programming ?
3) What Are The Different Data Types Which A Data Structure May Comprise Of ?
4) How Can Data Structures Be Classified ?
5) What Are Linear Data Structures ?
6) What Are Non Linear Data Structures ?
7) Differentiate Between Data Types & Data Structures ?
8) List Four Major Operations On Linear Data Structures ?
9) What Do You Mean By A Static Data Structure ?
10) What Is Dynamic Memory Allocation ?
11) What Is A Stack ?
12) What Is A Queue ?
13) What Are Linked Lists ?
14) What Are Trees ?
15) What Are Arrays ?
16) What Is A Circular Queue ?
17) What Do You Mean By The Terms ‘Overflow’ & ‘Underflow’ In Data Structures ?
18) What Is Meant By Dequeue ?
19) What Do You Mean By Garbage Collection In Data Structures ? What Role Does The AVAIL List Play In A Linked List ?
20) Differentiate Between A LIFO & FIFO List ?
21) What advantages and disadvantages, do you think does a circular singly linked list have over a non-circular singly linked list?
22) Give the similarities between queues and stacks ?
23) Differentiate between queues and stacks ?
24) To perform recursion, which data structure is generally used?
25) What do you mean by merging of data structures?
26) What are the different types of arrays ?
27) What do you mean by the base address of an array ?
28) Give the formula to calculate the address of any element in an array, when the length of the array along with its base address and size of the element are given ?
29) How is computer memory allotted for a two-dimensional array ?
30) What is the difference between an array and a stack housed in an array ?
31) List the basic operations which can be performed on data structures ?
32) How can you calculate the size of an array, given the upper and lower bounds of the array ?
33) Which are the two very common search techniques and what are their mechanisms ?
34) Describe how linear search is carried out ?
35) How does the binary search work ?
36) What are the differences between linear search and binary search ?
37) State the condition(s) under which binary search is applicable ?
38) What are the advantages of linked lists over arrays ?
39) What is sorting of an array ? Name a few types of sorting techniques ?
40) What is the mechanism of selection sort ?
41) What do you mean by bubble sort ?
42) What is insertion sort ?
43) Differentiate between the different types of linked lists ?
44) What do you mean by ‘pushing’ and ‘popping’ with regard to stacks ?
45) What are input restricted dequeues and output restricted dequeues ?
46) What do you mean by Polish string ?
47) What do you mean by an infix, postfix and prefix expression ?
48) What is the evaluation order according to which an infix expression is converted to postfix expression ?
49) Give the advantages of using post fix notations over infix notations ?
50) How can prefix notations be converted to infix form ?
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