Here, are some sample questions based on "Data Structures". Read it carefully as these questions will help you in cracking any interview.
16) What Is A Circular Queue ?
Circular queues are the queues implemented in circular form rather than a straight line. In these types of queue, the last element is always followed by the first element.
17) What Do You Mean By The Terms ‘Overflow’ & ‘Underflow’ In Data Structures ?
Overflow and Underflow are two states in data structures when further insertions and deletions respectively are not possible in the data structure.
Overflow refers to inserting a node when no memory is available and Underflow refers to deleting from an empty list.
18) What Is Meant By Dequeue ?
Queues in which elements can be added or removed at either end but not in the middle are called dequeues. There are two types of dequeue namely input restricted dequeue and output restricted dequeue.
19) What Do You Mean By Garbage Collection In Data Structures ? What Role Does The AVAIL List Play In A Linked List ?
Garbage collection in data structures is the process by which the deleted nodes, i.e. released memory are added to the AVAIL list.
AVAIL list is also a linked list keeping account of free memory locations, so that memory can be allocated to new nodes at the time of insertion.
20) Differentiate Between A LIFO & FIFO List ?
A LIFO list is a list which uses the Last in First Out technique. A LIFO list is processed in LIFO manner, i.e. elements that are entered last are removed first of all. A stack is an example of a LIFO list.
A FIFO or First in First Out list processes its elements in first come first served basis. A queue is a FIFO list.
21) What advantages and disadvantages, do you think does a circular singly linked list have over a non-circular singly linked list?
22) Give the similarities between queues and stacks ?
23) Differentiate between queues and stacks ?
24) To perform recursion, which data structure is generally used?
25) What do you mean by merging of data structures?
26) What are the different types of arrays ?
27) What do you mean by the base address of an array ?
28) Give the formula to calculate the address of any element in an array, when the length of the array along with its base address and size of the element are given ?
29) How is computer memory allotted for a two-dimensional array ?
30) What is the difference between an array and a stack housed in an array ?
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