Here, are some sample questions based on "C++/OOPS Programming language". Read it carefully as these questions will help you in cracking any interview.
Question - 1) What is a class?
Answer: A class is a group of objects, i.e. data members or member-functions that share common properties and relationships. It represents a group of similar objects.
Question - 2) What is an object?
Answer: An object is an identifiable entity with some characteristics and behavior. It represents an entity that can store data and its associated functions.
Question - 3) List the advantages of object oriented programming?
Answer: Object oriented programming has many advantages:
- Reusability of code.
- Ease of comprehension.
- Ease of fabrication and maintenance.
- Easy redesign and extension.
Question - 4) What is meant by ‘call by value’?
Answer: In C++, structures can be passed to functions by two methods namely 'by value' and 'by reference'. In 'Call by value' method, the called function copies the passed structure on to its own work copy; the original structure then remains unaffected.
Question - 5) What is meant by ‘call by reference’?
Answer: In 'Call by reference' method of calling functions, the called function declares a reference for the passed structure and refers to the original structure elements through its reference.
6) What is a reference variable ? What is its use ?
7) What are inline functions ? What is the advantage of using them ? How are they declared ?
8) What are the defining traits of an object-oriented language ?
9) What is the purpose of the scope resolution operator ?
10) What are the differences between type casting and automatic type conversion ?
11) Why ‘char’ is often considered as an integer data type ?
12) What is the difference between structure and class in C++ ?
13) What is the purpose of ios:app ?
14) What is the purpose of ios::ate ?
15) How is random access of data achieved in C++ ?
16) Which header file is required for creating and manipulating data files in C++ ?
17) What is an access specifier ?
18) How is memory allocated to a class and its objects ?
19) What is the difference between an object and a class ?
20) Differentiate between data hiding and encapsulation ?
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its very useful