11) What is VLIW?
Answer: Instructions that can be executed concurrently are packed into groups and parceled off to the processor as a single long instruction word to be executed on multiple functional units at the same time. This is called very large instruction word (VLIW).
12) What is bandwidth of memory?
Answer: The rate at which data can be pumped from the memory to the processor determines the bandwidth of the memory system.
13) What is latency of memory?
Answer: The time taken in putting a request for a memory word and returns a block of data of size b containing the requested word is referred to as the latency of the memory.
14) What is logical and physical organization of parallel programming platforms?
Answer: The logical organization refers to a programmer's view of the platform while the physical organization refers to the actual hardware organization of the platform.
15) Differentiate between SIMD and MIMD?
Answer: In architectures referred to as single instruction stream, multiple data stream (SIMD), a single control unit dispatches instructions to each processing unit. In an SIMD parallel computer, the same instruction is executed synchronously by all processing units.
Computers in which each processing element is capable of executing a different program independent of the other processing elements are called multiple instruction stream, multiple data stream (MIMD) computers.
SIMD computers require less hardware than MIMD computers because they have only one global control unit.
SIMD computers require less memory because only one copy of the program needs to be stored.
In contrast, MIMD computers store the program and operating system at each processor.
16) Differentiate between UMA and NUMA.
Answer: If the time taken by a processor to access any memory word in the system (global or local) is identical, the platform is classified as a uniform memory access (UMA) multicomputer. On the other hand, if the time taken to access certain memory words is longer than others, the platform is called a non-uniform memory access (NUMA) multicomputer.
17) What is Cache Coherence?
Answer: In shared address space platform ensuring that concurrent operations on multiple copies of the same memory word have well-defined semantics is called cache coherence.
18) What is PRAM Model?
Answer: A Model of computation (the Random Access Machine, or RAM) consists of p processors and a global memory of unbounded size that is uniformly accessible to all processors. All processors access the same address space. Processors share a common clock but may execute different instructions in each cycle. This ideal model is also referred to as a parallel random access machine (PRAM).
19) Differentiate between Static and Dynamic Network.
Answer: Static networks consist of point-to-point communication links among processing nodes and are also referred to as direct networks. Dynamic networks, on the other hand, are built using switches and communication links.
20) What is Bus-based Network?
Answer: A bus-based network is perhaps the simplest network consisting of a shared medium that is common to all the nodes. A bus has the desirable property that the cost of the network scales linearly as the number of nodes, p.
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