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Showing posts from May, 2017

What Are Your Short Term Career Goals & Objectives? - Interview Answers

“Never simply state your Short term goal but move a step further by stating the steps you are taking to achieve them.” Short term goal depends upon where you stand right now. A person with 5 years of experience will have different short term goals than a person with no work experience. " An idealist believes the short run doesn't count, A cynic believes the long run doesn't matter A realist believes that what is done or left undone in the short run determines the long run." Your answers can be: 1) My short term goal is to find a position where I can use the knowledge and strength I have. I want to participate in the growth and success of the company I work for. 2) I want to see myself as a software developer in your esteemed organization where by with all my skills and enhanced learning I shall be able to make valuable and meaningful contribution to your organization. 3) My short term goal is to learn everything I can about marketing...

Why Should We Hire You? - Interview Answers

The interviewer asks this question just to find out how your skills, experience and knowledge can add value to the job. Well to answer this question you need to learn what they are looking for and then tie them with your strengths. This ensures that you are a viable fit for the position. The more detail you give the stronger your answers will be. Try to summarize all your accomplishments and relate what makes you unique. The question can also be " Why should we hire you over other candidates? " OR "Why should we hire you over the others waiting to be interviewed?" Your answers can be: 1) You should hire me because I’m the best person for the job. I realize that there are likely other candidates who also have the ability to do this job. Yet I bring an additional quality that makes me the best person for the job - my passion for excellence. I am passionately committed to producing truly class results. 2) I believe I’m the perfect fit for this ...

Can You Work Well Under Deadlines Or Pressure? - Interview Answers

Here the question is : How well do you handle stress and pressure? The best answer to this question is “Yes”. Working well under pressure is a good strength/trait to have . But saying yes is not enough; you need to explain how you can handle pressure situation to bring the best out of it. Tell the interviewer that you work the same with pressure and without pressure. Your answers can be: 1) Sir, I can handle pressure of work . Whenever there is pressure of work , we need to tackle it from the mental and physical stand-point. Mental stand-point would mean being in a state of relaxation and composure so that I do not feel stressed out during the course of my work and from physical stand-point ; I always prioritize my job in their exact order of merit and importance so that I can dispose them off quickly and effectively. 2) I work well under pressure because I don’t panic. I use the pressure to help me work more efficiently. I maintain self control and work as efficien...

What are your Long Term Career Goals? - Interview Answers

Generally such questions are asked by the interviewer to check how serious the candidate is about his career. Avoid answers as “becoming rich and retiring early” . These are incorrect answers. Try to give an ambitious answer that shows you really love your career. Be descriptive and try to convince them that you are a hard worker and not just a mediocre one. Your answers can be: 1) My long term goal is to be an instructor . I have always loved to teach and hence I would like to grow newer employees and help co-workers where ever I can. 2) After a successful career, I look forward to write a book on Programming Language . I think working smart is important and I have many ideas. So after gaining more experience, I am going to write a book. 3) My long term goal is to become partner for a consulting firm . I know a lot of hard work determination and patience is required to become a partner. Many people fail to become a partner. But that’s not going to stop me anyway fr...

50 Questions You Can Ask After A Job Interview - Questions To Ask An Employer.

Usually at the end of the interview, the interviewer asks you if you have any question for them. Sometimes candidates get tensed and ask very silly and irrelevant questions. It is important that you ask intelligent and relevant questions. Therefore, make sure you prepare some questions before the interview so that you can learn more about the company and the position. Here is a small list of questions you can ask the Interviewer : - What would be some of my duties in the first year of employment? - Is the company culture more on the casual or more on the formal side? - Can I know more about the Training and the Induction Programme of your company? - What brought you to this company and what keeps you motivated to stay part of the team instead of working for one of your competitors? - What attracted you to this organization? - How do my skills compare with those of the other candidates you have interviewed? - Can I have your feedback so that I can learn the pros ...

100 C Programs Frequently Asked in Technical Interview.

Here we bring you a collection of 100 C Programs which are frequently asked in technical interviews and semester exams.  Just click on the links given below to view the sample code. 1.  C Program To Print Welcome Message. 2.  C Program To Accept & Display A Number. 3.  C Program To Add Two Numbers. 4.  C Program To Perform Arithmetic Operations. 5.  C Program To Print Sum Of Digits In A Number. 6.  C Program To Find The Sum Of N Numbers. 7.  C Program To Print Sum Of Series 1 + 3 + 5 + …. N. 8.  C Program To Print The System Date. 9.  C Program To Swap Two Numbers Using Temporary Variables. 10.  C Program To Swap Two Numbers Without Using Temporary Variables. 11.  C Program To Read Two Numbers And Print The Sum Of Given Two Numbers. 12.  C Program To Accept Student Roll No, Marks in 3 Subjects and Calculate Total, Average and Print it. 13.  C Program To Read Three Numbers And Print The Bigges...

What Is (Are) Your Weakness (Weaknesses)? - Interview Answers

There’s a saying – “However small the thorn maybe it has the ability to pierce.” Never say you are a Workaholic, a Perfectionist, etc. because it sounds negative. Try to convert these negative biased qualities into positive ones. For Example, In   place of Workaholic you can say you are a hard worker and always willing to work for extra hours. In place of Perfectionist , you can say you are detail oriented and like to set high standard for work. “Try to specify your weakness as your strength and also highlight it as a benefit.” Your answers can be: 1) One of my weaknesses as I perceive is occasional compromise on time for quality and perfection. 2) I feel I am not very detail-oriented . I’m a person that wants accomplish as much as possible. I realized this hurts quality and therefore I‘m trying hard to find a balance between quality and quantity. 3) At times even when I need help, I try to solve my own problems instead of asking a co-worker who might know...

100 Operating System Questions With Answers - Interview.

“Top 100 Operating Systems Questions With Answers". Here, are some sample questions based on “Operating Systems”. Read it carefully as these questions will improve your basic concept on Operating Systems, and will help you in cracking any interview. Click on any question to find out it's answers: 1. What is an operating system? 2. What are the basic functions of operating systems? 3. What are the various components of a computer system? 4. What are the basic purposes of different operating systems? 5. What is a bootstrap program, and where is it stored? 6. What is BIOS? 7. What are the advantages and disadvantage of multiprocessor systems? 8. What are the main differences between operating systems for mainframe computers and personal computers? 9. What are the five major activities of an operating system in regard to process management? 10. What are the three major activities of an operating system in regard to memory management? 11. What are the ...

Is There Anything Else That We Should Know About You That Would Impact Our Decision? - Interview Answers

This question gives you a final chance to impress the interviewer. If you felt you didn't show that much enthusiasm, here is your chance. If you felt you missed out one of your strong traits, you have a chance to state it. Your answers can be: 1) I am a continuous learner and I try to keep myself abreast of all developments in the field of IT (or any other). Since I do not quit in the face of toughest challenges , I am certain that I would be able to achieve the targets that I set for myself and beyond. 2) Well for all my mentioned attributes, strengths and qualification I am confident that I can do very well over here. I don’t know if I expressed it that well, but I’m very excited about this position. 3) One final trait that I have that would be perfect for this position is my organizational skills . I’m very detailed and plan very well. I prioritize my work as per the need of hour. 4) There are three fear in this era: - Fear of failure. - Fear of rejectio...

Top 100 C Programming Interview Questions With Answers

1. Explain Various Classes Of Datatypes Of C? Answer:  Following are the major classes of data types in C language: Primary Data Types: Also, known as fundamental/basic data types. All C compilers support four basic data types namely: integer(int), character(char), floating(float), and double precision floating point (double). Then there are extended data types such as long int, double int. Derived Data Types: Also, known as secondary or user-defined data types. These data types, derived from basic data types, include arrays, pointer, structure, union, enum etc. 2. What Are Escape Sequences Characters? List Any Six Of Them. Answer:  The characters which when used with output functions like printf( ), putc(), put() etc. helps in formatting the output are known as Escape sequence character. The following is a list of six escape sequences. \n Newline \t Horizontal Tab \v Vertical Tab \b Backspace \r Carriage Return \\ Backslash 3. What Do You Mean By Underflow ...