31. What Are The Advantages Of Using A Higher Level Language To Implement An Operating System?
The code can be written faster, is more compact and is easier to understand and debug. In addition, improvements in complier technology will improve the generated code for the entire operating system by simple recompilation. Finally an operating system is far easier to port – to move to some other hardware – if written in a higher level language.
32. Distinguish Between System & Application Programs.
System programs are not part of the kernel, but still are associated with the operating system. Application programs are not associated with the operating of the system.
33. State 3 Methods Used To Pass Parameters To The Operating System?
Three methods used to pass parameters to the operating system are:
- Pass parameters in registers.
- Registers pass starting addresses of blocks of parameters.
- Parameters can be placed, or pushed, onto the stack by the program, and popped off the stack by the operating system.
34. State A Few Reasons Why A Process May Terminate The Execution Of One Of Its Children?
Reasons why a process may terminate the execution of its children might be:
- Child has exceeded allocated resources.
- Task assigned to child is no longer required.
- Parent is existing.
35. What Resources Are Used When A Thread Is Created? How Do They Differ From Those Used When A Process Is Created?
When created, a thread requires an ID, a register set, a stack and program counter.
Threads are smaller than processes. In addition to the thread information, each process creates its own Process Control Block (PCB), containing a code section, data section, and O/S resources. Threads reference these items from their creating or parent process.
36. What two advantages and disadvantages do threads have over multiple processes? Suggest one application that would benefit from the use of threads, and one that would not.
37. Explain the terms time-sharing and multi-programming?
38. What is spooling and what are the benefits? Is it useful on a single-user system?
39. Why is the process table needed in a timesharing system? Is it also needed in personal computer systems in which only one process exists, that process taking over the entire machine until it is finished?
40. Differentiate between a process and a program?
41. What Is A PCB? Explain The Structure Of Process Control Block?
42. Define & Differentiate Between Swapping & Spawning?
43. What Is Disk Scheduling? What Are The Different Disk Scheduling Techniques?
44. Give Several Reasons Why Dead Line Scheduling Is Complex?
45. Distinguish Between Scheduling Policy & Scheduling Mechanisms.
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