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Showing posts from April, 2014

What Do You Know About This Company / Organization? - Job Interview Answers.

The interviewer simply wants to check out whether you have come prepared. Your answers also signify how passionate you are for the job and the company. Therefore it’s a very important question. Your answer should reflect your knowledge about the company and passion for the job . If you state a simple answer and use tags it will definitely show that you have not done sufficient research. You don’t have to list everything you know… just enough to let them know that you did your homework. Also, take a little time to give the company a compliment such as the last sentence. It is a psychological tool that you should use to your advantage. This type of compliment is directed at the company and the interviewer will be happy to hear this. Your answers can be: 1) This company is the leader in delivering IT Solutions. It’s a global company in 18 different countries, and finally it’s one of the best companies to work for. 2) I learned that this Company has a great work environment an...

Why From Electronics / Electrical / Mechanical to IT Industry? - Job Interview Answers.

Since I am a student of ECE, as u know that ECE/CSE/IT are sister branches and all are interrelated and secondly I think it will be of my best if I utilize my sharp analytical skills in a software industry so I basically do not have any problem to “SWITCH” from ECE to IT. And I believe flexibility must be there within us to progress in life. Q: IF AFTER SOMETIME YOU START DISLIKING THE JOB, WHAT WOULD YOU DO? Well, if such situation then my first priority would be to look within myself and try to find out any shortcomings or lack of skills and techniques. If such things happen then I would try to improve and rectify myself. Still if I don’t get an answer then I will speak to my seniors and colleagues to learn my mistakes so that I become more user friendly to my organization. Q: WHAT HAVE YOU LEARNT FROM YOUR FAILURES? From my failures I have learnt to analyze myself and find out my shortcomings . Those shortcomings are the areas of future improvement for me and I have...

What Will You Do If You Are Asked To Give A Bribe? - Job Interview Answers.

If I am asked to do so then I will feel very uncomfortable to do so just in case the company has strong core competency, best practices and a strong value system. So I strongly feel the company can do business purely on these merits and not through bribery or commissions. - If the interviewer presses you hard to say either yes or no then you can say: "However even if a condition comes to pay a bribe to get a good contract then I shall refer the case to my seniors for their valid suggestions upon which I can act." HR Job Interview Answer - Suppose I tell you I don’t like your face? Then why should I select you? Even if you don’t like my face, you definitely would agree that I have other qualities that appealed you, for which you are now interviewing me. “A man’s face is not including of his abilities”. There’s a saying “A book is not judged by its cover but it is judged by its contents”. ALSO READ THE ANSWERS FOR: - Where do you see yourself 5 ...

If Your Boss Is Taking All The Credits For Your Work, What Will You Do? - Job Interview Answers.

Even if my boss takes credit for my work, I would not mind because if I am a good worker my contribution will be definitely noticed by the organization. Secondly if I remain in the good books of my boss, I can en-cash this towards my career promotions and growth. HR Interview Question: Suppose you find yourself in a deserted island. What three things you will need to survive? Food, Water and HOPE (that one day I will definitely come out from this island). HR Interview Question: How do you think you conducted or performed during this interview? I think I have conducted myself in the best possible manner by satisfying your queries through my specific answers which I feel were logical, systematic and to the point. Through my answer my true worth as a dynamic and competent professional has come out fair and square and I am happy with my performance which would ensure my selection in this esteemed organization. HR Interview Question - How mobile are you? I am absolute...

What Made You Choose Your Major/Specialization?-Job Interview Answers.

Well if you are applying for a computer related position and if you are a Computer Science major, they won’t ask this question to you. But if you are an Electronics (or any other) major and interview for a computer position, then they might want to know why you chose to major in Electronics (or any other). To create an answer, you can say that your academic interests were broad and therefore you sought your major to achieve a balance between knowledge and skill. Besides your personal interest, include some rock-solid business reasons that shows you have the vision. Its fine when you say you majored the subject because you liked it. But never say you chose the major because you didn’t know what else to do and you couldn’t get into a better one. Your answers can be: 1) From the very beginning I always had a lure towards electronics field. During my school days I participated a lot in Science Exhibitions and won a lot of prizes. That gave me the confidence to learn more abo...

If I Tell You, You Are An IDIOT, A FOOL, A RASCAL; Can You Think Anything Positive About It? - Job Interview Answers .

I - Intelligent. D - Determined. I - Innovative. O - Optimistic. T - Truthful and Talented. F - Faithful. O - Optimistic. O - Obedient. L - Loyal. R - Religious. A - Adaptable. S - Simple and Sober. C - Competent, Capable and Co-Operative. A - Adept. L - Loyal. ALSO READ THE ANSWERS FOR: - Where do you see yourself 5 years from now? - Why should we hire you over other candidates? - What are your salary expectations? (Or What kind of salary are you looking for?) - Do You Prefer to Work Independently Or On a Team? - Why do you want to leave your current job/organization/company? ... Return To HR Interview Index. Your suggestions and comments are welcome in this section. If you want to share something or if you have some answers of your own, please do post them in the comments section.

Are You Willing To Relocate Or Travel? - Job Interview Answers.

When the interviewer asks about your willingness to travel, it means that this position requires some traveling. If you say no, then you may not get hired because they are looking for someone who is able to travel. It is perfectly acceptable to ask how much travel is involved. Your answer can be: 1) “I am completely mobile. Well I can go to any part of the country or even abroad if situation permits. ” 2) “I know as an auditor that I’ll have to make business trips. So I’m definitely willing to travel. ” 3) “I have no problems with traveling, actually I love traveling .” ALSO READ THE ANSWERS FOR: - Where do you see yourself 5 years from now? - Why should we hire you over other candidates? - What are your salary expectations? (Or What kind of salary are you looking for?) - Do You Prefer to Work Independently Or On a Team? - Why do you want to leave your current job/organization/company? ... Return To HR Interview Index. Your suggestions and comment...

During Your Performance Reviews, What Criticism Do You Hear The Most? - Job Interview Answers.

No one likes to be criticized. But as a young professional, you will experience the barbs of negative feedback in both your personal as well as professional life. Here the interviewer is on the look out for your accountability and professional character. Generally this question is for people with experience. You shouldn’t answer it directly by saying all the criticism you had faced during your tenure, rather try to mould the answer to show your positive attitude towards the critics. Always remember “ You can’t please everyone, so just please yourself. You are your best critic. Some people are just not going to like you. Accept it .” Your answers can be: 1) I believe criticism should be dealt with positive attitude because it gives us information on how to improve. The criticism I heard during my tenure was to voice my opinions, ideas and suggestions in group meetings. My manager always liked my suggestions whenever I personally met him, but in group meetings I usuall...

Why Didn't You Pursue A Career In Your Stream / Specialization? - Job Interview Answer.

This question is generally asked for those who are pursuing specialization or major in other stream other than IT or Computer Science. If you are pursuing an engineering in Electronics or Electrical then be ready to face this question. The interviewer simply wants to know as to why you want to join IT industry since you are pursuing your specialization/major in some other stream. Your answers can be: 1) Sir, since I am a student of ECE, as u know that ECE/CSE/IT are sister branches and all are interrelated and secondly I think it will be of my best if I utilize my sharp analytical skills in a software industry so I basically do not have any problem to “SWITCH” from ECE to IT . And I believe flexibility must be there within us to progress in life. 2) As I didn’t know exactly what I wanted to do, I majored in something I was very interested in. But after working for a software project during my summer vacation I realized that this is what I want to be doing. I loved the c...

If You Were An Animal / A Can Of Soup / Some Other Random Object, Which One Would You Prefer & Why? - Job Interview Answers.

Your answers can be: 1) I would be a can of soup – one that has a variety of flavors, bubbling with enthusiasm. I would associate my determined attitude with the can’s tough exterior. I would believe that whatever the label on the can, the content are always a surprise. 2) I would like to be the mind of the CEO – I would then know exactly how complex issues are so thoughtfully analyzed, how prioritizing happens and how accurate decisions which affect numerous stakeholders are made. I would know how almost intuitively, they know what the next big things are and their risk taking abilities. ALSO READ THE ANSWERS FOR: - Where do you see yourself 5 years from now? - Why should we hire you over other candidates? - What are your salary expectations? (Or What kind of salary are you looking for?) - Do You Prefer to Work Independently Or On a Team? - Why do you want to leave your current job/organization/company? ... Return To HR Interview Index. Your suggestions an...

Are You Willing To Take Risks? - Job Interview Answers.

“To get what you want, Stop doing what isn't working.” The answer to this question depends on the position and nature of the job you are applying for. But it’s believed that those who are willing to take risks are positioned well than the other candidates. Your answer can be: 1) I’m a risk taker. I keep my options open and if the reward justifies the risk, I would definitely try. I believe rewards belong only to those guys who go beyond intentions to the place of actions. “Policy of being too cautious is the greatest risk of all.” 2) I see myself as a risk taker. But before taking any decision, I always evaluate all other options and after careful considerations I would definitely take a risk if the rewards were high enough. “There is as much risk in doing nothing, as in doing something.” 3) I think it’s important to take some risks. Going the extra mile in taking risks is worth even if failure is the result, because the experience and the growth ...

Personality Development - How to Carry Yourself In Interviews...

The foremost thing for personality development is communication. Communication – Two types - Verbal - Non-verbal Verbal Communication - Grammar - Vocabulary - Clarity of Speech - Sequence of Thought - Pace of Speech - Tone of Voice/Modulation - Punctuation Non-Verbal Communication - Gesture – The use of movement of the body, especially of the hands to express a certain meaning - Posture – A particular bodily position - Eye Contact/Movement of eye to different peoples in the group. - Facial Expression. - Body Language Always remember there are three fears in this Modern era: - Fear of failure. - Fear of rejection. - Fear of being ridiculed. Never allow these fears to overcome you and you can see the result for yourself. Nature’s best system regarding how a child learns (Includes everyone) - Environment. - Exposure. - Hear. - Listen. "If you sow an action, you reap a habit. If you sow an habit, you reap a character. If you sow...

HR Interview Questions With Simple Answers - Top 30.

Here are some very important HR questions which are often asked during Interviews and I believe these answers can really help you to get through....... Click on them to view the answer: 1) Tell Me Something About Yourself ? 2) What Are Your Strengths? 3) What Are Your Weaknesses? 4) How Do You Handle Pressure / Can You Work Well Under Pressure? 5) What Are Your Short Term Goals? 6) What Are Your Long Term Goals? 7) Where Do You See After 5 Years? 8) Why Should We Hire You? 9) What Is Your Salary Expectation? 10) Why Do You Want To Leave Your Current Job? 11) Do You Prefer To Work Alone Or As A Team Player? 12) What Made You Choose Your Major / Stream? 13) Why Didn’t You Pursue A Career In Your Major / Stream? 14) Why Do You Want To Work For Us? 15) Are You Willing To Travel? 16) Are You Willing To Take Risks? 17) What Do You Know About This Company? 18) What Do You Seek From A Job? 19) How Do You Evaluate Success? 20) Dur...

DBMS/RDBMS- Interview Questions With Answers - FAQ'S - Top 100.

“DBMS/RDBMS” Interview Questions With Answers". Here, are some sample questions based on “RDBMS”. Read it carefully as these questions will improve your basic concept on RDBMS, and will help you in cracking any interview. Click on any question to find out it's answers: 1)  What Is A Database? 2)  What Is DBMS & Database? 3)  What Are The Advantages Of DBMS? 4)  What Are The Disadvantages In File Processing System? 5)  Discuss How To Know When There Is A Need Of DBMS & When There Is Not? 6)  What Is Parallel & Distributed Database? Differentiate Them. 7)  Differentiate Between File-Oriented System & Database System? 8)  What Are The Applications Of Databases? 9)  What Is The Importance Of Databases? 10)  What Is DBMS & RDBMS? 11)  What Are The Three Types Of Users In DBMS? 12)  What Are The Disadvantages Of Database System? 13)  Describe The Three Levels Of Data Abstraction? 14...

Technical Interview - C Programs Frequently Asked In Interviews.

C Programs Frequently Asked In Interviews. This section covers C programs often asked in campus interviews and freshers walk-in. It helps job seekers who are about to attend TECHNICAL interview round . Here you will find simple C programming questions with answers basically asked in technical interviews. 1) C Program To Print A Message. 2) C Program To Read Two Numbers And Print The Sum Of Given Two Numbers. 3) C Program To Accept Student Roll No, Marks in 3 Subjects and Calculate Total, Average and Print it. 4) C Program To Read Three Numbers And Print The Biggest Of Given Three Numbers. 5) C Program To Read A Number And Find Whether The Given Number Is Even Or Odd. 6) C Program to accept a year and check whether the given year is a leap year or not. 7) C Program to print sum of individual digits of given number. 8) C Program to accept a three digit number and print the sum of individual digits. 9) C Program to accept a number and check the given number is Armstron...

100 C++ Programs Frequently Asked in Technical Interview.

This section covers C++ programs (with outputs) often asked in campus interviews and freshers walk-in. It helps job seekers who are about to attend TECHNICAL interview round. Here you will find C++ programs (with sample codes) frequently asked in technical interviews. 1) C++ Program To Output Or Display Any Message/Statement. 2) C++ Program To Accept & Print The User’s Age. 3) C++ Program To Print A String. 4) C++ Program To Accept & Display A Number. 5) C++ Program To Print Sum Of Two Values. 6) C++ Program To Print Square Of A Numeric Value. 7) C++ Program To Accept & Print Marks & Find Total. 8) C++ Program To Accept Three Numbers & Print Percentage Marks. 9)  C++ Program To Check Whether A Number Is Greater Than 100 Or Not. 10) C++ Program To Check Whether A Number & It's Log Value Are Greater Than 10 Or Not. 11) C++ Program To Check Whether A Number Is Prime Or Not. 12)  C++ Program To Calculate The Area Of A Rectangle. 13) C...

100 Frequently Asked C++/OOPS Questions With Answers.

"C++/OOPS Programming" Questions With Answers". Here, are some sample questions based on "C++/OOPS Programming Language". Read it carefully as these questions will improve your basic concept on C++/OOPS programming language, and will help you in cracking any interview. Click on any question to find out it's answers: Question - 1) What is a class ? Question - 2) What is an object ? Question - 3) List the advantages of object oriented programming ? Question - 4) What is meant by 'call by value' ? Question - 5) What is meant by 'call by reference' ? Question - 6) What is a reference variable ? What is its use ? Question - 7) What are inline functions ? What is the advantage of using them ? How are they declared ? Question - 8) What are the defining traits of an object-oriented language ? Question - 9) What is the purpose of the scope resolution operator ? Question - 10) What are the differences between type casting...