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Showing posts from March, 2013

Sample C Program to Print any Print Statement without using Semicolon

# include <stdio.h> void main() {     if(printf("Hi.. Welcome to sanfoundry"))     {     } } OUTPUT: Hi.. Welcome to sanfoundry Sample C Program To Display Its Own Source Code As Its Output. # include <stdio.h> int main() {     FILE *fp;     char ch;     fp = fopen(__FILE__,"r");     do     {         ch = getc(fp);         putchar(ch);      }      while (ch != EOF);      fclose(fp);      return 0; } OUTPUT: #include int main() {     FILE *fp;     char ch;     fp = fopen(__FILE__,"r");     do     {         ch = getc(fp);         putchar(ch); ...

Sample C Program To Display Function Without Using The Main Function.

# include <stdio.h> #define decode(s,t,u,m,p,e,d) m##s##u##t #define begin decode(a,n,i,m,a,t,e) int begin() {     printf(" helloworld "); } OUTPUT: helloworld Sample C Program To Get IP Address. # include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <sys/ioctl.h> #include <netinet/in.h> #include <net/if.h> #include <unistd.h> #include int main() {     int n;     struct ifreq ifr;     char array[] = "eth0";     n = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);     //Type of address to retrieve - IPv4 IP address     ifr.ifr_addr.sa_family = AF_INET;      //Copy the interface name in the ifreq structure     strncpy(ifr.ifr_name , array , IFNAMSIZ - 1);     ioctl(n, SIOCGIFADDR, &ifr);     close(n);     //d...

Sample C Program To Illustrate The Concept Of Unions.

# include <stdio.h> void main() {     union number    {         int  n1;         float n2;     };     union number x;     printf("Enter the value of n1: ");     scanf("%d", &x.n1);     printf("Value of n1 = %d", x.n1);     printf("\nEnter the value of n2: ");     scanf("%f", &x.n2);     printf("Value of n2 = %f\n", x.n2); } OUTPUT: Enter the value of n1: 10 Value of n1 = 10 Enter the value of n2: 50 Value of n2 = 50.000000 Sample C Program To Find The Size Of A Union. # include <stdio.h> void main() {     union sample    {         int   m;         float n;         char  ch;  ...

Sample C Program to convert given number of days to a measure of time given in years, weeks and days.

For example 375 days is equal to 1 year 1 week and 3 days (ignore leap year). # include <stdio.h> #define DAYSINWEEK 7 void main() {     int ndays, year, week, days;     printf("Enter the number of daysn");     scanf("%d", &ndays);     year = ndays / 365;     week =(ndays % 365) / DAYSINWEEK;     days =(ndays % 365) % DAYSINWEEK;     printf ("%d is equivalent to %d years, %d weeks and %d days", ndays, year, week, days); } Output: Enter the number of days 29 29 is equivalent to 0 years, 4 weeks and 1 days Enter the number of days 1000 1000 is equivalent to 2 years, 38 weeks and 4 days  

Sample C Program to Print a Semicolon without using a Semicolon anywhere in the code.

# include <stdio.h> int main(void) { // 59 is the ascii value of semicolumn     if (printf("%c ", 59))     {     }     return 0; } Output: ; Sample C program to accept an integer and reverse it. # include <stdio.h> void main() {     long  num, reverse = 0, temp, remainder;     printf("Enter the number\n");     scanf("%ld", &num);     temp = num;     while (num > 0)     {         remainder = num % 10;         reverse = reverse * 10 + remainder;         num /= 10;     }     printf("Given number = %ld\n", temp);     printf("Its reverse is = %ld\n", reverse); } Output: Enter the number 567865 Given number   = 567865 Its ...