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Showing posts from January, 2012

Sample C Program To Implement 8 Queens Problem Using Arrays, Pointers & Functions.

ALGORITHM: STEP 1: Define the functions that are to be used. STEP 2: Assign a constant value of 8 to QUEENNO. STEP 3: Call the function placequeen(0, x). STEP 4: Print the message “End”. STEP 5: Stop the program. FUNCTION VOID PLACEQUEEN(int k, int *x) STEP 1: Declare local variables STEP 2: Set a for loop for i. for(i = 0; i < 8; i++) STEP 3: Check for result of function canbeplaced(k, I, x). STEP 4: If it is 1 then assign the value of i to x[k]. x[k] = i; STEP 5: Check if k is equal to 7 if show call the function showboard(x). STEP 6: Read the value of ch from the user. STEP 7: If the value is equal to n or N then exit. STEP 8: Check whether k is less than 7 if so then call the function placequeen(k + 1, x). FUNCTION INT CANBEPLACED(int k, int i, int *x) STEP 1: Declare the local variables. STEP 2: Set a for loop for j. for(j = 0; j < k; j++) STEP 3: Check for the following condition if( (abs(j - k) == abs(x[j] - i) || (x[j] == i) ) ) S...

Sample C Program To Implement Quick Sort Using Pointers, Functions & Arrays.

ALGORITHM: STEP 1: Start the program. STEP 2: Assign the pointer array *a[100] as global, Read the value of n. STEP 3: Set a for loop to read the elements of array. for(i = 0; i < n; i++) STEP 4: Call the function sort(0, n - 1). STEP 5: Print the sorted array a. STEP 6: Stop the program FUNCTION SORT (int first, int last) STEP 1: Declare the local variable. STEP 2: Check if first is less than last. first < last STEP 3: If so then assign the following pivot = a[first] i = first j = last STEP 4: Assign a while loop till the condition. I < j STEP 5: Assign a while loop to increment i till a[i] < pivot and i < last STEP 6: Assign a while loop to decrement j till a[j] > pivot and j > first STEP 7: Check whether i is than j if so then swap the values of a[i] and a[j] temp = a[i] a[j] = a[j] a[j] = temp STEP 8: Then swap the values of a[j] and a[first]. temp = a[j] a[j] = a[first] a[first] =temp STEP 9: Call another f...

Sample C Program To Implement Binary Search Without Using Recursive Function.

ALGORITHM: STEP 1: Start the program. STEP 2: Read the value of n. STEP 3: Set a for loop to read the elements of array. for(i = 0; i < n; i++) STEP 4: Set a for loop. for(i = 0; i < n; i++) STEP 5: Nest another for loop. for(j = i + 1; j < n; j++) STEP 6: Check the condition a[i] > a[j] STEP 7: If so swap the two values using temporary variable t as t = a[i] a[i] = a[j] a[j] = t STEP 8: Else go back to step 6. STEP 9: Set a for loop to print the value of array a. for(i = 0; i < n; i++) STEP 10: Read the search key as k. STEP 11: Assign low = 0 and high = n – 1. STEP 12: Call the function binsearch(a, k, low, high) STEP 13: Check if ans is not equal to 1, if so print the position b + i. else print that element is not found. STEP 14: Stop the program. FUNCTION BINARY SEARCH (int *a[ ], int x, int low, int high) STEP 1: Check if low > high if so return -1. STEP 2: Else assign mean value of low and high to mid. mid = ( high + ...

Sample C Program To Implement Binary Search Using Recursive Function.

ALGORITHM: STEP 1: Start the program. STEP 2: Read the value of n. STEP 3: Set a for loop to read the elements of array. for(i = 0; i < n; i++) STEP 4: Set a for loop. for(i = 0; i < n; i++) STEP 5: Nest another for loop. for(j = i + 1; j < n; j++) STEP 6: Check the condition a[i] > a[j]. STEP 7: If so swap the two values using temporary variable t as t = a[i] a[i] = a[j] a[j] = t STEP 8: Else go back to step 6. STEP 9: Set a for loop to print the value of array a. for(i = 0; i < n; i++) STEP 10: Read the search key as k. STEP 11: Assign low = 0 and high = n – 1. STEP 12: Call the function binsearch(a, k, low, high) STEP 13: Check if ans is not equal to 1, if so print the position b + i. Else print that element is not found. STEP 14: Stop the program. FUNCTION BINARY SEARCH (int *x[ ], int x, int low, int high) STEP 1: Set a while loop till low is greater than high. STEP 2: Assign mean value of low and high to mid. mid = (high...

Sample C Program To Implement Merge Sort Using Divide & Conquer Strategy.

ALGORITHM: STEP 1: Start the program. STEP 2: Read the value of n. STEP 3: Set a for loop to read the elements of array. for (i = 0; i < n; i++) STEP 4: Call the function split ( a, 0, n – 1 ) STEP 5: Print the sorted array a. STEP 6: Stop the program. FUNCTION MERGE_SORT (int *a, int low, int high) STEP 1: Declare the local variable. STEP 2: If low is less than high then assign the mean value of low and high to mid. mid = ( low + high ) / 2 STEP 3: Call the function merge_sort ( a, low, mid ). STEP 4: Call the another function merge_sort ( a, mid + 1, high ). STEP 5: Call the function combine ( a, low, mid, high ). FUNCTION SPLIT(int *c, int first, int last) STEP 1: Declare the local variables. STEP 2: Set the while loop till the condition i <= mid && j <= high is failed. STEP 3: Check whether a[i] < a[j] STEP 4: If so the assign the value of a[j] to temp[k] and increment j and k temp[k] = a[i] j++ k++ STEP 5: Else as...

Sample C Program To Implement Selection Sort Using Pointers, Arrays & Functions.

ALGORITHM: STEP 1: Start the program. STEP 2: Read the value of n. STEP 3: Set a for loop to read the elements of array for( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) STEP 4: Call the function sel (a, 0, n – 1 ) STEP 5: Print the sorted array a. STEP 6: Stop the program. FUNCTION SEL (int *x, int start, int stop ) STEP 1: Declare the local variable. STEP 2: Assign begin = start and small = begin and check if start < stop. STEP 3: If so then set a for loop for(i = begin + 1 ; i <= stop; i++ ) STEP 4: Check the condition x[i] < x[small] STEP 6: If so then assign the value of i to small small = i STEP 7: Then swap the values of x[begin] and x[small] using temp temp = x[begin] x[begin] = x[small] x[small] = temp STEP 8: Call another function sel ( x, start + 1, stop ) SAMPLE PROGRAM: #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> void sel(int *[],int,int); int main() { int a[100], i, n; clrscr(); printf(" \n Enter the number of eleme...

Sample C Program With Algorithm To Implement Bubble Sort Using Pointers.

ALGOTITHM STEP 1: Start the program. STEP 2: Read the value of n. STEP 3: Set for loop to read the elements of array for( i = 0; i < n; i++ ). STEP 4: Call the function bubblesort ( a , n ). STEP 5: Print the sorted array a. STEP 6: Stop the program. FUNCTION BUBBBLESORT ( int *b [], int n ) STEP 1: Declare the local variable. STEP 2: Set a for loop for( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) STEP 3: Nest another for loop for( j = 1; j < n; j++ ) STEP 4: Check the condition b[i] > b[j] STEP 5: If so swap the two values using temporary y variable t as t = a[i] b[i] = b[j] b[j] = t STEP 6: Else go back to step3. SAMPLE PROGRAM: #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> void bubblesort( int *[], int); void main() { int i, n, a[100]; clrscr(); printf( " \n Enter the number of elements: " ); scanf( " %d ", &n ); printf( " \n Enter the array elements " ); for( i = 0; i < n; i++) scanf( " %d ...

Sample C Program To Implement Recursive Algorithm Using Pointers.

ALGORITHM: STEP 1: Start the program. STEP 2: Declare the variable, *no, factorial, sum, p, i, and the function fact (int p), sum (int p), fib (int p). STEP 3: Read the value of no. STEP 4: Call the function fact (*no), sum (*no). STEP 5: Use for loop call the function fib (int p) and display the Fibonacci series & also display factorial & summation. STEP 6: Stop the program. FUNCTION FIB (int p) - FIBONACCI SERIES. STEP 1: Check whether the value of n is equal to '0' if so return '0'. STEP 2: Else check whether (p >= 1 && p <= 2), if so return the value '1'. STEP 3: Else return ( fib ( p – 1 ) + fib( p – 2 ) ). FUNCTION FACT (int p) - FACTORIAL OF A NUMBER. STEP 1: Check whether (p == 0), if so return '1' . STEP 2: Else return (p * fact( p – 1 ) ). FUNCTION SUM (int p) - SUMMATION OF A NUMBER. STEP 1: Check whether p == 0, if so return '0'. STEP 2: Else return (p + sum( p – 1 ) ). ...